Saturday, December 15, 2018

Understanding the Benefits of Heat Pump Dryer

A majority of fruits and vegetables has high water content. As a result, their shelf life reduces, causing significant loss during peak season, when vegetable and fruit retailers and wholesalers do not have cold storage facilities. Thankfully, this does not have to be the case, as a heat pump dryer machine for food and vegetables can come to your rescue.

Why Do You Need a Heat Pump Dryer?
A heat pump dryer helps to transfer heat from a colder area to a hotter one. In doing so, it helps the water content in the fruits and vegetables to evaporate and then the moisture-laden air is carried away from the produce to ensure optimal dehydration of the vegetable and fruit. This works to minimize spoilage and boosts the shelf life fruits and vegetables.

When the produce gets dehydrated, it does not lose its nutritional value. On the contrary, the vitamin, mineral and fiber content stays intact, so that consumers have no reason to worry.

Finding the Right Heat Pump Dryer
It is imperative to invest in a heat pump dryer machine for food and vegetable that is energy-efficient. Drying uses up a lot of energy, and with the rising costs of fossil fuels and electricity, the focus has shifted to green and energy saving heat pump dryers.

It is essential to opt for a heat pump dryer that has the ability to recover latent and sensible heat so that it can be recycled and used for the dehydration process. Otherwise, this heat is usually lost, making the dryer less energy efficient. When the heat is recovered and recycled, it is possible to dry foods and vegetables at a lower temperature and this helps to minimize operational costs. It also enables preservation of foods in humid conditions.

So, go ahead and find the right heat pump dryer that can help dry vegetables, fruits, fish and meats to help you save money and cost while keeping your consumers happy and satisfied.