Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Upside of Choosing the Best Vacuum Packaging Machine

For those in the packaging line, it is almost imperative to own a vacuum packaging machine. However simply having one with you isn’t enough, you need to make certain you choose one that is good in quality. Here is why going through all this effort will pay off.

It increases the lasting factor of the product
A good vacuum packing machine ensures your product is blessed with a long shelf life. As long as you understand the ideal atmosphere within the packaging of the product, you are good to go.

It ensures the packaging process moves forward at a faster pace
The right vacuum packaging machine ensures the entire packaging process speeds up effectively and promptly. This is because it ensures the sealing of hundreds or even thousands of products can be performed in an hour.

It ensures products are more attractive looking
A lot of vacuum bags are transparent in nature so the products inside the package are on display for everyone to see. A good packaging machine makes these products look more presentable and shelf-ready so that people are more tempted to grab them.

It maintains the freshness of products
The thickness of the vacuum bag is immensely important as it safeguards your packaged foods from dust, moisture, insects and other external factors. Since your products are safe from these harmful factors, they remain fresh for a longer period.

The right vacuum packaging machine also ensures flavor is not tampered with. It maintains the original flavor of the foods right until the time it is opened. Now that you know the benefits of going in for the right vacuum packaging machine, it pays to weigh your options properly before choosing the right one.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Heat Pump dryers are the best options for dehydrated meat, fruits and vegetables

Heat pump dryers are unique products that are energy-efficient making it an eco-friendly option for drying fruits, vegetables and meat, besides other things. The same technology is used for efficient heat pump clothes dryers, besides food, which consumes a minimal quantity of energy due to its ability to absorb the moisture evaporating during the process of drying. 

These machines ensure that the nutritional value of the food is intact, making it a healthy alternative for people to choose from. The energy conservation of a heat pump dryer ensures that you save a lot of money over time, using the highly efficient system. 

Food industry
The industry benefitting the most with these machines is the food industry, amongst others. Dehydrated meat with a heat pump dryer is ideal for curing products like fish, sausage, and ham. Different products have different temperatures and times for drying like vegetables and fruits will have different time frames, depending on the percentages of water in the products. 

Heat pump dryer machine for food and vegetables is one of the biggest applications of this technology, besides being used in convection dryers for clothes. Meat drying can also extend to meat jerky and pet food, a lot of which is dehydrated meat and fish. Herbs, seafood, nuts, seeds, flowers, and leaves can all be dried using this advanced technology.

Heat pump dryer is a necessity if your business is doing high volumes and you are keen to reduce wastage. Food production companies should consider this a good investment, considering that it is efficient and productive, saving costs over time.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Industrial heat pump dryers are best for food preservation

Heat pump dryers are extremely useful for preserving fruits and vegetables, besides other industrial applications. Fruits and vegetables have high in water content as well as other nutrients and minerals that may be preserved by drying. The drying process does not destroy or adversely affect the nutrient content of these foods.

How does heat pump dryer work?

Heat pump dryer is an extremely energy efficient; it uses the steam created by the dehydration of the items inside to create the hot flow of air. This is a sustainable and energy-efficient machine, ensuring that manufacturer manages their energy consumption, thereby cutting down on the production cost.

Benefits of a heat pump dryer machine

There are various benefits that are attached to using a heat pump dryer machine for food and vegetables. Some of them, but not restricted to are:

The machine consumes less electrical energy and maybe applied in any convection dryer; it recovers the latent heat, recycling it back after dehumidifying it, to the heat pump dryer, saving up to 70% of energy.

The extreme energy efficiency means that the drying process utilizes low temperatures that range between 10 – 75°C.

This machine is also environment-friendly in terms of emission, as all gases that are emitted are converted back to heat inside the machine without it harming the environment.

A heat pump dryer machine for food and vegetables is one of the best investments for small and large food production companies; this environmental and economical option is a privilege of the technologically advanced society we live in nowadays.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Role of Heat Pump Dryer in Preserving Agricultural Products

Are you dealing with large scale agricultural produce like mangoes, apples, lemons, carrots, spinach, and cassava? Are you worried about the losses in these products while storing and transportation? If these are related to you then you should consider investing in the latest heat pump dryer machine for food and vegetables. It is a highly advanced, energy-efficient device which helps in drying agricultural products by recovering its latent and sensible heat by condensation of moisture from the air. Here is the significance of the heat pump dryer in the agricultural industry.

Reduction in Losses during Transportation of Agricultural Produce
Most of the vegetables in tropical and sub-tropical countries are rich in their moisture content. In such a scenario, there is a high probability of them getting degraded or perishing during transportation to the market. If farm owners resort to drying these vegetables then their shelf life increases significantly without hampering the food value. Moreover, it is also convenient to transport desiccated products as their volume reduces considerably.

Cost-effective Procedure
Heat pump dryer machine for food and vegetables carries out the entire drying process within a low budget. Here, the recovered heat energy gets recycled back to the system by increasing the temperature of dehumidified air. It does not allow the heat energy to dissipate to the atmosphere. The heat pump dryer also carries out the entire process at a reduced temperature, thereby saving the overall cost. It helps in reducing the carbon footprint of the agricultural farm.
This is a brief description of how to use a heat pump dryer in the agricultural industry. Invest in a top-quality product to save your business money and increase your profitability.

Monday, August 12, 2019

The Many Features of Onion Peelers

Onions are one of the most widely used ingredients in the kitchen so naturally using an onion peeler can prove to be very advantageous. In fact, using this piece of equipment can actually result in reduction of workforce and ensures you obtain evenly sliced onion pieces. Here are a few of its features and why you should be making use of this piece of equipment more.

It is easy to operate
The device is designed in a manner that makes it seamless to operate. While the peeler is within the specified safety standards, the machine is made of stainless steel so it is also easy to clean.

It comes with automatic control
The onion peeling machine makes use of a pneumatic peeling principle and possesses automatic control. It also works well for any type or size of onion. This makes the entire peeling process easy and effortless.

The onion skin separates automatically during the peeling process
You don’t have to worry about manually separating the onion peel when you buy onion peeler machine as this is taken care of by the piece of equipment. It automatically performs this function for you without needing you to do so.

With the right kind of peeler, you can rest assured that the onion surface is smooth without any damage after peeling. While picking the best onion peeler for you, make certain you go through the specs and features it comes with before making a purchase. You can find an array of peelers in the market today so make certain you go in for one that works well with your kitchen related needs and wants well.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Are You Producing Frozen French Fries With The Right Machine?

When it comes to choosing the most popular item in the fast food menu, the French fries win by a huge majority. Loved by children and adults alike, there is something very addictive about the French fries. If you have a commercial food business and have a dedicated unit that deals with the production of frozen French fries, you will realize the demand for this product as well as the competition in this market.

The best way to beat the competition and make your product profitable is to look at your production process and make it more productive while also prioritizing on the quality of the output. A good quality frozen French fries machine is what your business needs.

Set your expectations for the perfect French fries machine
When it comes to production of frozen French fries, several steps have to be performed efficiently. When you buy quality frozen French fries machinery, it is important to consider how effectively it performs all these functions or steps. To begin with, potatoes have to be washed and peeled before being cut into same size strips. For the perfect frozen French fries, the cutting of the potatoes is very important but this is something that is often overlooked in most frozen French fries machinery.

The sorting of the French fries and their freezing are equally important to get the perfect output. So, it is essential that you check the working of the frozen French fries machine and understand its reviews from different users to take your decision of using it in your production unit.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The Upside of a Modified Atmosphere Packaging (Map) Machine

Have you ever tried to squeeze air out of a pack of pre-cut vegetables? If yes, then you surely must have noticed the pack let out all of the air and return to its original size one you stopped pressing. This is possible all thanks to the modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) machine. This works to increase the shelf life of vegetables to a great extent without the need for any other material or chemical additions. Here are a few advantages of using this kind of packaging for your items.

It enhances shelf life

Foods that are packaged under a protective layer do not get spoiled easily. A modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) machine when combined with continuous cooling can significantly extend the freshness and shelf life of products.

It does not cause too much waste

Using a continuous modified atmosphere packing (MAP) machine enhances durability and reduces problems associated with long distance shipment. Since it also enhances shelf life, waste that occurs as a result of soiled food minimizes.

It leaves you with an attractive package design

The look and feel of a packaged product is imperative after all it influences the purchasing behavior of the consumer. With a continuous modified atmosphere packing (MAP) machine by your side, you can be assured of an attractive packaging design and presentation.

Besides this, it also enhances sales opportunities and requires fewer preservatives to maintain its shelf life and integrity. These advantages certainly ensure packaged products such as meats, dairy products, fish, vegetables, bread and even fruits reach customers in a better and healthier way.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Everything You Need to Know About Modified Atmosphere Packaging ?

Despite its complicated name, the Modified Atmosphere Packaging (Map) machine is sure to be your life long companion if you are in the packaging industry. This is because, consumers demand fresh and nutritious products that go through minimal processing.This packaging machine works to offer you this while prolonging the shelf life of the food items. Here are some of the other major elements you need to know about the Modified Atmosphere Packaging (Map) machine.

How it serves its purpose?

The machine is specifically created to alter the natural distribution and makeup of atmospheric gases within each package.This works to minimize oxidization and prevents perishable food and beverage products from getting ruined.

How does a gas flush function?

A continuous modified atmosphere packing (map) machine function by producing packs. These packs are created by evacuation and gas flushing. The nitrogen gas flush displaces oxygen within the package. This reduces oxidization which in turn minimizes discoloration, spoilage and off flavors. Oxygen works to constrain the growth of aerobic microorganisms. Carbon dioxide, on the other hand, lowers pH which restricts the proliferation of bacteria.

How can the MAP machine prove to be helpful?

A continuous modified atmosphere packing (map) machine works perfectly for fresh cut vegetables and fruits. Besides this, it also works wonders for fresh meat, poultry, baked products, pasta and other freshly prepared foods.

Now that you know about the main elements that surround the Modified AtmospherePackaging machine, be sure to get your hands on a reliable and reputable piece of equipment. It is sure to benefit you in a big way for a long time to come.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Why is a potato chips making machine a one-time investment ?

Every food industry that makes banana chips on a large scale understands the difficulties associated with this meticulous task. But thankfully, the introduction of potato chips packing machine relieves a major chunk of stress. The monotonous process of cutting the bananas into small parts and frying then takes up a lot of time. Not only are the procedures time-consuming and monotonous, but also sheer waste energy. Moreover, the person in charge has to keep ensuring that the chips don’t get overcooked. This can be extremely challenging during the peak time of the business. If you are facing the same issues, then it’s time to invest in a potato chips machine.

Work smarter; not harder!
All the major issues with making banana chips can be circumvented with the help of a potato chips packing machine. The potato chips machine is designed to maintain the heat of the frying area, which keeps it uniform throughout. In the pressure of satisfying the demand, the staff might even end up leaving the chips under cooked. This can again be dodged when using a potato chips packing machine. The machine has a controller that can maintain the temperature and a titillation system that can aid in chips delivery. With the potato chips machine, you can even drain the chips easily.

In conclusion
The most significant benefit of a potato chips machine is that it requires less time and effort as compared to manual frying. The potato chips packing machine is a low-maintenance device and can increase your profit to a great extent. It is thus safe to conclude that a potato chips machine is a one-time and worthwhile investment.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Why Investing in a Banana Chips Slicer Machine is a Good Idea ?

Banana chips are considered to be a healthy snack choice when compared to all the other fast and oily foods available. After all, snacking on them ensures you get some kind of nutritional value for your calorie investment. Commercially speaking, this snack is doing really well which is why many companies are going in for a banana slicing machine. If you are thinking of going in for one too, here are a few reasons why investing in it is a good idea.

You obtain consistent, well-shaped pieces

With a plantain slicer, you are sure to obtain consistent, round pieces. You can easily adjust the cutting thickness of the slicer in a manner that suits you best. This ensures you obtain professional quality and superior in finish pieces.

It saves on time as well as energy

When you buy a banana chips slicer machine, you save a great deal of time as well as energy since you don’t have to sit down manually to do the task yourself. Besides this, you can use that saved up time to perform other activities.

You obtain higher output and cutting thickness of your choice

Since the banana slicing machine is making the chips for you, tiredness and strain go out the window and only productivity and efficiency remains. Other than this, the cutting thickness can seamlessly be adjusted in order to obtain the best banana chips possible.

So there you have it. Now that you know the upside of going in for a banana slicing machine what are you waiting for? Go ahead and buy a banana chips slicer machine right away.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

The Foods You Can Cook Perfectly with the help of a Steam Jacketed Kettle

While a steam jacketed pot or steam jacketed kettle is a poplar favorite among restaurant and industrial food service operations to prepare a variety of foods, many people aren’t really sure about the kind of foods that can be cooked up in a steam jacketed cooker. Well, we attempt to give you a glimpse into the foods that are cooked best in these appliances.

Basic workings of these appliances
Before you know about the kinds of foods that can be cooked in a steam jacketed cooker, you need to know about how these appliances work. When you cook with a steam jacketed kettle, you can be assured of convenience, productivity and efficiency. This equipment is enclosed by an outer wall and a jacket containing raw steam. The steam that circulates inside the jacket makes certain the contents heated inside the kettle are carried out uniformly. Usually, a steam jacketed pot or kettle cooks by conduction. Heat passes directly from the wall of the kettle straight into the food.

The kinds of foods that can be cooked
Steam kettles are basically improved, self-contained versions of the large stockpot that is utilized for range top cooking. While a deep steam jacketed kettle can be utilized for dishes such as gravies, beans, lentils, pasta, sauces, soups, pie fillings, puddings and even scrambled eggs, the shallow ones can be used for cooking stews and moist meats. The steam jacketed pot can also be used to boil pasta and stocks.

Cooking food in a steam jacketed kettle is all about experimentation so you shouldn’t be afraid to try new dishes. The way the appliance works can be tricky to understand at first but once you get the hang of it, you are sure to become a pro.


Saturday, January 19, 2019

How can a heat pump dryer benefit your business?

One of the major challenges faced by the food industry is the storage of eatables, especially fruits and vegetables. These products contain more than 80% water which poses a threat in its shelf life. This can thus result in massive losses during the peak season. A heat pump dryer can solve all these issues efficiently and without the use of any chemicals.

How can a heat pump dryer increase your profitability?
The shelf life of the fruits and vegetables can be increased tremendously with this machine. Heat pump dryer machine for food and vegetables is a device that transfers heat from the colder area to a hotter one. It can recover the latent heat by condensing the moisture from the drying air. You do not have to worry about your consumers being afraid of using the eatables from the machine as the heat pump dryer does not use any chemicals and is thus safe for consumption. In fact, the nutrient quantity remains unchanged and makes it more acceptable to consumers.

A heat pump dryer applies to which eatable? 
Heat pump dryers can be used for the drying eatables as follows:

1. Drying fruit such as carrots, radish, cassava, lettuce, pumpkin, and spinach
2. Drying fruits like lemon, apple, mango slices, and longans
3 Drying meat such as sausage, fish, and ham

All the nutrients value, including the vitamins, fibre, and minerals, is not lost if stored in the heat pump dryer.

A heat pump dryer can thus work wonders in your food business and is indeed an investment that you should be taking a closer look at.