Friday, May 10, 2019

Everything You Need to Know About Modified Atmosphere Packaging ?

Despite its complicated name, the Modified Atmosphere Packaging (Map) machine is sure to be your life long companion if you are in the packaging industry. This is because, consumers demand fresh and nutritious products that go through minimal processing.This packaging machine works to offer you this while prolonging the shelf life of the food items. Here are some of the other major elements you need to know about the Modified Atmosphere Packaging (Map) machine.

How it serves its purpose?

The machine is specifically created to alter the natural distribution and makeup of atmospheric gases within each package.This works to minimize oxidization and prevents perishable food and beverage products from getting ruined.

How does a gas flush function?

A continuous modified atmosphere packing (map) machine function by producing packs. These packs are created by evacuation and gas flushing. The nitrogen gas flush displaces oxygen within the package. This reduces oxidization which in turn minimizes discoloration, spoilage and off flavors. Oxygen works to constrain the growth of aerobic microorganisms. Carbon dioxide, on the other hand, lowers pH which restricts the proliferation of bacteria.

How can the MAP machine prove to be helpful?

A continuous modified atmosphere packing (map) machine works perfectly for fresh cut vegetables and fruits. Besides this, it also works wonders for fresh meat, poultry, baked products, pasta and other freshly prepared foods.

Now that you know about the main elements that surround the Modified AtmospherePackaging machine, be sure to get your hands on a reliable and reputable piece of equipment. It is sure to benefit you in a big way for a long time to come.