Monday, September 9, 2019

Role of Heat Pump Dryer in Preserving Agricultural Products

Are you dealing with large scale agricultural produce like mangoes, apples, lemons, carrots, spinach, and cassava? Are you worried about the losses in these products while storing and transportation? If these are related to you then you should consider investing in the latest heat pump dryer machine for food and vegetables. It is a highly advanced, energy-efficient device which helps in drying agricultural products by recovering its latent and sensible heat by condensation of moisture from the air. Here is the significance of the heat pump dryer in the agricultural industry.

Reduction in Losses during Transportation of Agricultural Produce
Most of the vegetables in tropical and sub-tropical countries are rich in their moisture content. In such a scenario, there is a high probability of them getting degraded or perishing during transportation to the market. If farm owners resort to drying these vegetables then their shelf life increases significantly without hampering the food value. Moreover, it is also convenient to transport desiccated products as their volume reduces considerably.

Cost-effective Procedure
Heat pump dryer machine for food and vegetables carries out the entire drying process within a low budget. Here, the recovered heat energy gets recycled back to the system by increasing the temperature of dehumidified air. It does not allow the heat energy to dissipate to the atmosphere. The heat pump dryer also carries out the entire process at a reduced temperature, thereby saving the overall cost. It helps in reducing the carbon footprint of the agricultural farm.
This is a brief description of how to use a heat pump dryer in the agricultural industry. Invest in a top-quality product to save your business money and increase your profitability.