Thursday, February 13, 2020

Why should you choose a steam jacketed kettle for commercial kitchens?

People working in the food industry can vouch for the elaborate process of storing large stockpots, plus the extra time, it takes which can extend into a few hours per day while cooking with a stockpot for large quantities. 

In such large-scale cooking, it is prudent to invest in a steam jacketed cooker, which will enable the food to be cooked uniformly and thoroughly, without the mess of using large stockpots, which can also be dangerous in a crowded kitchen.

How does it help?
Few of the main advantages of working with a steam jacketed kettle are, but not restricted to:

• Enhanced quality: It provides heat uniformly, allows food to be boiled, braised, sautéed and simmered to perfection without human intervention.

• Efficient machines: The kettles decrease the cooking time, due to its efficient heating, allowing minimal energy wastage; food cooking surface area is greater than that of a stockpot, enduring well-cooked food, faster.

• Reduced costs: The kettles do not need human intervention, and can cook the food evenly without burning or charring. This reduces the cost over time, and also you can work at another task while food is prepared hassle-free, increasing productivity.

• Safety with energy efficiency: It is difficult to maneuver large stockpot with boiling contents; steam jacketed pot reduces that risks, as it can tilt to empty the contents safely. It is also working to save up to 35% of energy while cooking.

There are numerous other benefits for working with a steam jacketed kettle and thorough research should be conducted before the purchase.